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Sunday, August 10, 2014

Modern Markerless Motion Capture Technology

advanced mocap software

the benefits of motion capture software

No Setup Time - Because no special suits, markers or equipment are required, subjects can simply step into the capture volume to begin tracking.
Benefits - This means that animators and game developers can capture more accurate motion data in less time, and for a much lower total cost. It also makes many clinical and research applications much more practical. Because there is no special setup required, it is easier to track the motion of children or people whose condition makes the application of special suits difficult. The difficulty, however, is implementing accurate tracking algorithms that perform well enough for real-time use, without the aid of markers to provide hints to the software. This capability is the core of Organic Motion’s technology.
No Markers - Markerless motion capture systems use advanced computer vision technology to identify and track subjects without the need for any special suits or markers. To accomplish this, advanced algorithms are required, especially when the expectation is to track motion in real-time.

Availability - This cutting edge technology is an active field of research at leading universities throughout the world. Organic Motion’s OpenStage 2 is the only commercially available professional markerless motion capture system on the market